Upperquad at the Webbys in 2022

We're honored to receive a Webby Awards nomination for our collaborative work with Jigsaw and the Google Quantum AI teams.
With over 14,000 entries from all 50 U.S. states and over 70 countries for this year's Webby Awards, the biggest in their history. This is Upperquad's 9th nomination for the Webby Awards - dubbed by New York Times the Internet's biggest honor.
The Current: The Internet Shutdowns Issue
The Current is an online publication from Jigsaw, outlining today’s digital threats and solutions. This issue explores government-imposed internet shutdowns which are on the rise globally, with devastating impacts on affected communities. Fighting back requires shining a light where governments impose the dark. The issue was produced as a collaboration with Jigsaw, Upperquad and AccessNow. It is nominated in the category of Best Individual Editorial Feature.
Upperquad's collaboration with the Jigsaw have resulted in five Webby nominations and one Webby win over two years.
Discover the Quantum AI Campus
Discover the Quantum AI Campus created in collaboration with the Google Quantum AI team was recognized as an Honoree in Science category. The site allows users to explore Google's Quantum AI campus in Santa Barbara, the location of Google's quantum data center, fabrication facility, and cutting-edge research facility.